понедельник, 31 октября 2016 г.

"I'm never shopping here again!" 

Weed == Heroin.  All good white christian Americans know that!

Well, his gardening style was unique to say the least...

I wonder what he did to get arrested.

Meme warfare. It's a thing

Silage is spoiled


Here's Ollie Williams with the weather

If I had a boat.....4

Agario Pictures By Nexis

Dash removal

What a freakin cutie

This asshole here...

Breaking Bones

Hey guys, been away for a bit. Any new hilarious Cera .gifs?


For Caturday

What do we really know about K2S0?

MRW the teacher calls on me to answer an easy question and I get it wrong

Untitled (Manzanar)

Toys of Iron, Raid Boss

Feel train...

Green day. Oct 22rd, 2016

I believe this is called a dump.